Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Health is the most important thing in your life..

Do you think health is the more important then your $ or the other way?.This is the fact, you can use money to buy clock but not time, you can use $ to meet good doctot but not good health, you can use $ to buy house but not home. Much more proverbs related to $ and should know after you earned all your $ and not take care your life at the end....where your $ will go??it will go back to yourself - see doctor...

So before is too late, try out the good product below....Fibers and Germ.

Info: Wheat Fibers

Rich in Vitamin B groups,
speed up breaking down sugar in our digestive system,
lowering stress to our pancreatic and liver organs

Detail benefits
Support and increase the rate of metabolism (新陈代谢)
Maintain healthy skin and muscle tone (good for sport man/woman)
Enhance immune and nervous system function
Reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer (胰脏癌)
Combat the symptoms and causes of stress, depression and cardiovascular disease.(血管病)

Price per pack: RM18.00 - one pack is 350grams.

Info: Wheat Germ

Rich in Vitamin E
As Antiovidant,
Improve circulation to our Blood System,
lowering stress and Cardio Vascular disease It also
a complete food with high Amino Acids and Aphrosidiac value.

Detail benefit:
As an powerful antioxidant
Prevents cellular damage by inhibiting the formation of free radicals.
Helps the body defend against over eighty diseases.
Maintaining a healthy heart and circulatory system.
Promote healthy skin and hair.
Build a strong immune system

Price per pack: RM18.00 - one pack is 300grams

Need to recruit some dealers, if you feel interest to become dealer.Please send email to we will work with you or if you interested to buy please put your comment here, we will contact you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Wowo...did you reliazed that your gf/bf/wife/hunsband's stocking broke and they are still wearing that. mm....that is not too good as indirectly he/she will not feel the care that you give him/her. Below is the stocking information, take more care on your close one before is too late.

information: APACS stocking
buy 3 pair the price will only cost RM21.00
size:UK size - 5,6,7,8,9,10
Please email or just drop your comment if you interested.